October Ritual for Protection and Transformation

by Lylah Korsu

Ritual Steps:

Create Your Sacred Space

  • Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Cleanse the area by tidying up and, if you wish, burn some incense or sprinkle salt to purify the energy.

Set Up Your Alter

  • Arrange the black and orange candles on your altar or workspace, placing the bowl of salt and the bowl of water nearby. Lay out your protective crystals in a way that feels inviting to you.


  • Take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes and visualize roots growing from your feet into the Earth, grounding you. Feel the support of the Earth beneath you.

Light The Black Candle

  • As you light the black candle, say aloud: “I call upon the energies of protection, to shield me from negativity and harm. May this light guard my spirit and keep me safe.”

Light The Orange Candle

  • Next, light the orange candle and say: “With this flame, I invite transformation and creativity into my life. May I release what no longer serves me and embrace new beginnings.”

Cleansing With Water and Salt

  • Dip your fingers into the bowl of water and sprinkle a few drops around your sacred space, saying: “I cleanse this space of all that is unwanted. May only love and light remain here.”

  • Then, take a pinch of salt and sprinkle it in the same manner, reinforcing the purification.

Reflection and Release

  • Take your journal or paper and write down what you wish to release this October. Be specific about the negative energies or patterns you want to let go of. When you’re done, read it aloud if you feel comfortable.

  • After reading, safely burn the paper in a fireproof container (like a bowl or cauldron) to symbolize the release of those energies.

Invoke Protection

  • Hold your protective crystals in your hands, close your eyes, and envision a bright light surrounding you. Focus on the protective qualities of the crystals. You can say: “With the power of these stones, I create a shield of light around me. I am safe, I am protected, and I am free to transform.”

Gratitude and Closing

  • Spend a few moments in silence, allowing the energy to settle. When you’re ready, thank the energies, spirits, or deities you feel connected to for their support during this ritual.

  • Blow out the candles, knowing that the energies you’ve called upon remain with you.


  • Keep your protective crystals close to you or in your sacred space. You can revisit your journal to reflect on your intentions throughout the month, noting any changes or insights that arise.

Materials Needed:

  • Black candle (for protection)

  • Orange candle (for transformation and creativity)

  • A small bowl of salt (for purification)

  • A small bowl of water (for emotional cleansing)

  • Protective crystals (such as black tourmaline, obsidian, or amethyst)

  • A journal or paper and pen

  • Optional: dried herbs (like sage or rosemary, for cleansing)

  • Optional: incense (like frankincense or myrrh)

This October ritual is a beautiful way to honor the changing season and invite transformation into your life. As the veil between worlds thins during Halloween, embrace the opportunity to connect with your inner self, release what no longer serves you, and protect your energy as you move forward.

May you find strength and clarity in this transformative season!